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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Smallest Cat in the World

Sometimes veterinarians just don't know why a particular cat is small. She may be born in a litter of normal sized kittens from normal sized parents. Many of these feline anomalies end up in the Guinness Book of World Records. Following are some cats that have either been recorded as one of the smallest or tried to be registered as the world's smallest cat.

Examples of Smallest Cat in the World

Mr. Peebles


The current record holder for the smallest cat in the world is Mr. Peebles. Mr. Peebles lives in Illinois and weighs three pounds. He is just a little over six inches in height. His small size is due to a genetic defect that kept him from growing normally. Mr. Peebles is registered with the Guinness Book of World Records.


Bitsy is a cat that lives in Florida. She is 1.5 pounds and 6.5 inches long. According to an interview on AOL News Bitsy is being assessed by the people at Guinness Book of World Records to see if she is indeed the world's smallest feline.

Tinker Toy

A Blue Point Himalayan from the United States was measured 2.75 inches tall and only about 7.25 inches long. He only weighed a little over a pound. His name was Tinker Toy. He passed away in 1997.

More Tiny Cats

1.Pete (1973)
was a cat from England that was only two pounds when fully grown.
2.Itse Bitse (2004) measured under four inches in height
3.Gizmo from Marlton weighed only two pounds at two years of age.

The World's Smallest Cat Breeds

There are a few unusually small breeds of cats. Usually these tiny breeds must go through genetic testing to determine whether they are a true breed or the result of a nutritional or genetic problem.


Munchkins have only recently been accepted as a breed, but not by all cat associations. They have a genetic defect that keeps the leg bones from growing properly. A Munchkin is a normal sized cat on shorter than average legs. These cats are often used to breed with other types of cats in order to get a smaller cat. Some of the names for these hybrids are:
1. Napoleon - a Munchkin and a Himalayan

2. Kinkalow - Munchkin and an American Curl

3.Lambkin - Munchkin and Selkirk Rex


There are questions about whether or not Singpuras are really a breed of cat at all. They share some similar genetics as a Burmese. Singpuras are found in Singapore and are most often less than six pounds in weight. Some researchers believe that these cats are the result of the poor nutrition of a stray cat. However, the Cat Fancier's Association investigated and subsequently recognized these cats as an individual breed.

Teacup Breeds


Like dog breeders, cat breeders are seeking to create small versions of the normal sized cats. Often these cats are hybrids; a cross between a Munchkin and a normal sized breed. There are exceptions to this. Sometimes a breeder can breed two small statured purebred cats and continue to get smaller cats with each generation. This keeps the kittens small through genetics.

Whether you are just curious about what the smallest cat in the world looks like or you're interested in a small feline breed to buy, the diversity in cats is amazing to see.
If you are choosing a cat breed for teacup size, be sure to ask plenty of questions. It is very difficult to guarantee the size of any animal. Since mini-breeds are somewhat new, you should be prepared to love your cat even if it grows into an average size.

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