Many people believe that art is a good conversation on how smart you are, how well you manage to master a subject or to stand out. Many believe that to become better communicators must learn how to speak more and better. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The conversation has three main objectives:
1. Pleasure to express yourself and to interact with the other person. One of the nicest things is to spend time with people you like. To communicate without being judged or condamndat. This is the motivation for most pleasure potential of our social interactions. We love to share ideas with people who have common interests with us and let the conversation take its own course.
2. To know the other person better. In sales, or in any other environment you need a certain period of time in which the conversation, body language, attitude you build a better picture of the person in front of you.
3. To build trust and credibility between two people. It is probably the most important aspect of the conversation as we get in life and it is possible only to those who take their time to discuss and to discover each other. Couples who understand the glances reached this stage after dozens of times in which they discussed all possible and impossible topics and found position as one over the other.
versatii good is on how smart you are, how well you manage to master a subject or to stand out. Many believe that to become better communicators must learn how to speak more and better. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The conversation has three main objectives:
1. Pleasure to express yourself and to interact with the other person. One of the nicest things is to spend time with people you like. To communicate without being judged or condamndat. This is the motivation for most pleasure potential of our social interactions. We love to share ideas with people who have common interests with us and let the conversation take its own course.
2. To know the other person better. In sales, or in any other environment you need a certain period of time in which the conversation, body language, attitude you build a better picture of the person in front of you.
3. To build trust and credibility between two people. It is probably the most important aspect of the conversation as we get in life and it is possible only to those who take their time to discuss and to discover each other. Couples who understand the glances reached this stage after dozens of times in which they discussed all possible and impossible topics and found position as one over the other.
However most incredbile make mistakes during the conversation with others that lead to boredom, mistrust, lost time. What are these mistakes? 1. Do not listen. Someone said: God gave us two ears and one mouth, that's why every minute talk should listen to two minutes. Most people do not know how to listen. Just waiting a moment to intervene in the discussion and to tell their views. Put your EUL pause a moment and try to listen to what people actually say. When you start to listen, discover a lot of ways that you can continue the conversation. For example you can be with someone who tells you that was last weekend in the mountains. You can ask:
What's the coolest thing that happened to you there?When you manage to put the person you're talking open questions more open to you and understand more about it. Learn to listen. 2. Putting too many questions. At the opposite end, can be extremely annoying to always put questions. Nobody wants to feel the interrogation. You must learn to contribute to the conversation with your side of the story. You can for example to mix questions with statements. After you put some questions to say something like:
If I wanted to go and I next week what advice would you give?
How often do you go to the mountain?
Yes, indeed, it's very relaxing to go out on the mountain on weekends. Last time I did this happened to me ... ....and continue the discussion itself on another thread. 3. Determined that in what you say . In reality, the conversation does not matter so much what you say, how you say it. You can tell something you're excited and affirm to tell as you would be lazy to open your mouth. So you can not tell enthusiastic aunt death of a friend. There are basic things. Here in exchange for trying to become master of conversation:
- Talking as hard as it takes to be heard. Better to talk stronger than the other always ask you: what did you say?4. To interrupt someone talking . Most often we tend to think that if we say something, others lose something very important. Learn to let the one you are talking to finish the sentence. 5. Trying always to be right . I do not like people who are always trying to prove that they are right. and I often make this mistake. Most often a conversation is not an argument at the bar, in the courtroom. It is a way to create and maintain the connection between two people. No one will be impressed if you "win" every time you speak. There are some people who love to make fun of others while talking. Shows a lack of confidence. They really need someone to be put in a bad light as they come out in a good light. Guess what? nobody cares how mistocar you. 6. Talking about negative topics or odd . I think you agree with me. Talking about funerals and a wedding table storcosite car about animals, about how broken the system is Romanian, about serial killers, diseases and dysfunctional relationships with details of your personal life or anything else that simply suck energy positive conversation is silly. 7. Being boring . Some people do not realize that they are boring. Not if you look in capital letters. We all know people who talk for 20 minutes about car or their phone or internet, or twitter. Learn to read the language of others and to notify them if you start to get bored. That does not look at you, or watch the clock, or discuss with others is a clear sign that point you have to put your subject away. A good way to avoid being boring is to have an interesting life. Focus has become an interesting person and people will want to know things about you. eight. Do not give anything in return. If this is the first time you talk to someone's normal to have a period of exploration. Not so fast we open to strangers and not invite them home immediately. However, it is absurd to not give you anything and let the only other person to attend. 9. Do not be .. "spicy" . The secret of sparkling conversation is often given way to mix sensations succeed. To go from serious to funny, from funny ironic, from ironic to sober and back. The conversation is a game two. You mold after the other and the other fits for you. What can you do now? Want to improve your conversation? Take it slowly. Start with one of the points here and practice it. Then move to the next. Then the next. Soon they will become part of you.
- speak with ... passion. A monotonous voice is extremely annoying and boring. Learn to tell that you shine your eyes.
- Use breaks. Pauses after each sentence creates anticipation and tension. We like that CNAD talk. Our ability to process better what to say. Do not talk as if you were a news presenter.
- NOT grave
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