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Monday, March 30, 2015

What do you do when you're at the limit between failure and success?

Now more than anyone search for diamonds. They were his favorite stones and even specialized in search of diamonds. He liked because the grinding process they have reached purity characteristics: a well polished diamond diamond was an extraordinarily beautiful and also a very simple piece of gemstone.
By the age of 48 years found only small stones, pieces very small diamonds that can not really be able to process its sole discretion. His dream was to find a diamond mine. He scattered people worldwide who while they all sought such a mine.
photo by  Kevin T. Houle
But almost all had already been discovered by others and all of them gone diamond .
All until one day he receives an unexpected phone call telling him that a hole was found that, if you dig long enough, they will find diamonds.
"A pit? Potholes not diamonds. Diamonds are found in the mountains or near the mountains. The holes in diamonds never brought mankind, "said the old man.
It all seemed very strange, but eventually decided to give a chance that pits. Workers gave a deadline of one month in which to dig. A tight 70 workers and set them to work. In the 30 days workers worked more than any other mine, 24 hours of 24, but reached the end of the deadline, they found nothing.
The old scout to dig up diamonds, stopped work and returned to what was before. The work remained unfinished and decades have passed good. Arrived at the age of 90 years old scout diamond now have grandchildren that they were his passion.
One of his grandchildren even over the business and coordinate an entire staff of several hundred workers. At one point, the grandson took over the business that comes to receive an unexpected phone, who said he found a hole in which work had already started, which would be able to find diamonds.
Grandson was so excited that mobilized almost all workers, went to the pit and that gave them a term of 3 months in which to dig. It seems that reached his grandfather dug pit that some time ago, but had not found anything. Na took more than a week of digging to find the first diamond, and at the end of three months and realized that there is a diamond mine.
Hearing feat grandson, old scout diamond has realized that was not patient enough and gave up too easily on what was to bring a smile and can finally find you're looking for a lifetime, namely a diamond mine.

What are you doing diamond mine?

When you happened last time to work a good period of time on a project and not give up because it seemed to pay off? When was the last time you dropped everything because if you continue, you had the impression that you did nothing? Remember what happened after you quit. How did you feel?
In life we experience times when we put effort not materialize immediately, even there are situations where the benefits occur after decades. From the moment you arrive to give up everything I had done to the point where we give up all effort until then, all resources invested so far seems to matter more reach, because they are your resources that you end up wasting them, abandoning them. Themoment give up is when you choose to take it from the beginning. The only benefit in this case is that you will enjoy the experience gained during the period in which you have invested, however, is half the experience, because you get to know the climax of the story. Think old diamond seeker story above. If you have the enthusiasm he had his nephew, certainly if his only diamond mine and really enjoy. Instead, he chose to give up after a period in which not only him, but also a good part of his team have been working like crazy looking diamond mine. If you have ever been in that aspect in which diamonds were two meters of your nose, but you did not have the patience to find them, then you probably came to regret the next period. But regret is good because I'm sure it helped you to understand that once you get to invest energy, time, money in a business, you better get going. And no matter how often would happen among people I hate to see that happen to those people who have a passion extraordinarily high for what they do, but have patience in order to bring passion to the level where they could live from it. And I do not understand one thing: if at first you were doing all those things without any money because you simply makes you feel better, and in two years give for not yet been able to bring you the amount of money you desire, why give ?

The solution is to seek solutions

The old scout diamond was at the limit between failure and success, and chose to give up, chose to turn to failure, still only finding fragments of diamond mines that had already been discovered by others.
Now I want you to think, the situation where you are and what you're going to do next, because, as the old scout diamond is at the boundary between failure and success, as you can be in the same situation. Aware of it and you are going to choose to success!

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